Showing posts with label Scientists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scientists. Show all posts

Friday, June 2, 2023

Meet the Author Day at the Local Library




Author:  the writer of a literary work (such as a book)

: one that originates or creates something…………………Definition - Miriam Webster Dictionary


While composing this essay, I found it difficult to read my notes because of the water but more on that later. 


In early April I accepted an invitation to participate in a “Local Author Meet and Greet” at our area library on May 20.  Author? Moi?  Well, I guess I am an author, but it sounds strange.

I filled out some forms, submitted them via email and that was it. On May 19 I received a call from Mary Ann, the  librarian, asking me to arrive between 12 and 12:45. I arrived at 12:10 for the 1p.m. to 4 p.m. session.  Much to my disappointment, there were no tents outside the library for people who had camped all night to be first in and get a signed copy of my book, nor were there any lines of people extending into the parking lot.  There were no lines and all.  In fact, there were no people. The parking lots were empty but for three cars: the librarian’s, mine and one other. I knew there would be more cars because there would be six authors.  Yes, the joy of six. 


Earlier that morning I felt a minor itch on my face. Absentmindedly, I scratched it. Post scratch I thought, “oy vey, could it be a mosquito bite?”  It wasn’t a mosquito bite.  It was two mosquito bites.  Big ones. They were right next to each other on my chin so from a distance, say one foot or so, they looked like one enormous zit.  I looked and felt like a 16-year-old on the morning of the Junior Prom, only now I had to go face the public with an itchy face.  


First thing to do was set up my table display. Each six ft long table had three chairs, one for the local author and two on the opposite side for the visitors.  I’m sure had people known that there were only two chairs per table there would have been those lines outside waiting to get in.  It could have looked like Walmart opening the doors on Black Friday.  I had brought  six copies of The Man With Three Arms and Other Stories, single copies of the March, April, May, and June Gnus Almanacs (with each running to 700 plus pages, they are a bit heavy), 10 copies each of the essays, “Scientists Review the Gnus Almanacs” and “Praise for The Man With Three Arms”….., 10 single pages of my website and blog site ( 72 font), for people to take with them, my laptop and a bag of corks . This being my first Meet the Author day, without being too obvious I cast surreptitious glances at the tables of the other authors for hints on how to set up my table for the optimum visitor experience. Some had books stands, there was one with a cardboard box, and everyone had multiple copies of their books. 


The laptop was set for my blog, Bloggish Blether, so visitors could see a sample of my recent essay, Ghost Writers in the Sky, which examines the phenomenon of dead authors continuing to produce books after becoming deceased. Unfortunately, I forgot to change the sleep time on the laptop and after every 10 minutes it went into screen saver mode and people would see my screen saver picture of the liverwurst hero sandwich I had last summer.  It is a view of an open sandwich with the Boars Head liverwurst on one side and my artistic splashes of Gray Poupon mustard on the other side.  There are two spears of Boars Head kosher dill pickles next to the sandwich and a bottle of orange soda, because orange soda should be paired with liverwurst to complete the culinary and photographic masterpiece.   Since the laptop was facing outwards towards the audience and I was behind it, I was unaware of liverwurst display screen saving mode activation until about 30 minutes into the session.  A gentleman asked me the meaning of the picture on my laptop. Whoops!  I had to get up and walk around to the front of the table put in my password and log myself in again.  Rinse and repeat several times as I kept neglecting to keep the screen active until I just shut the thing off and put the laptop away. I was the only one with a laptop anyway, probably the only one who likes liverwurst.  Suffice to say, the laptop failed to enhance the table browsing experience. The “review” essays were up front in the middle of the table and the corks were on the left.   Why corks? You may ask. This former science teacher trainer always brought an “interactive activity” to every presentation, and I thought this would make for an interesting experience for visitors.  The cork drop activity is based on Archimedes’ center of gravity principle.  One holds the cork horizontally above a flat surface and drops it.  The object is to have the cork land on an end. I provided a demonstration sheet taped to the table with Margaret’s hand showing the position of the cork pre drop. That took up a bit of space and so the table was crowded with materials even without the laptop. 

The other authors included the head of the local historical society who has written historical novels based on “real life incidents”, a gentleman promoting his book  of “dark, violent teenage angst” (he was the one with the cardboard box of books), a husband and wife with their books Birds of Pennsylvania and Birds of Vermont,  the co-author of Real Time Parenting, a guide to parenting,  and a popular local author, but I never got a closeup look at her display. The “dark violent “guy was an unabashed salesman, giving out books on said teenage girl angst advising that they were “dark and violent”. He repeated it quite a few times. Evidently, he needed some number of reviews in Amazon to achieve some algorithm that was unclear, but we were advised that all his reviews were 4 and 5 star so we presume there is an audience for “dark and violent” teenage girl angst. We all got a book.  I put mine in my box behind the table. The bird people had a large fold out pop-up bird book with bird calls as their centerpiece.  It was a jungle motif although I’m not sure how that fit in with Birds of Pennsylvania and Vermont. We were treated to a cacophony of chirps, chips, buzzes, tweets and caws while I looked around for Tarzan and Cheetah to arrive. Mercifully, while keeping the book open, they turned off the hooting and screeching. 


If you’ve ever seen a job fair, there was a resemblance to a job fair.  We all sat behind our tables and visitors sat on chairs (two were provided) in the front of the table facing us as if we were conducting interviews. Turnout was, shall we say, underwhelming.  25 people over three hours. By 2:00 I was bored. My notes say, “please make it end”. I eventually I realized that everyone, including me, had the same spiel when a new person came to the table, so I heard, “based on a real life duel”, “there are several kinds of hummingbirds”, “dark and violent”, and “see the child in front of you” quite a few times.  Just like the other authors heard “hold the cork like this…..” fairly often. 


The Cork Challenge was a bit of a success. The corks were attention grabbers.   Everyone who visited my display was instructed to give it a try. I would hold up the bag of corks and say “we went out to dinner last night and got these”.  This got me some strange looks. I also gave everyone a free hint for success.  Our friend Karen came by.  After a dozen or so tries and fails, she accused me of having defective corks, bid farewell for the time being and went to visit other authors before returning, determined to succeed.  Success!  The prize for dropping the cork correctly was that you get to keep the cork. Some people did but Karen said she already had plenty of corks at home and turned down the fabulous prize. Mary Ann, the librarian had a few tries before we opened to the public but, alas, failed.  She came back about an hour later, sat down, and said, “I’m going to get this” and so she did although she also turned down the prized of a free cork. 


You may recall the list of items I had carefully and thoughtfully placed on display.  There was also a glass of water which had been added during one of my moments of boredom.  Note that it was during another of those moments that I decided to turn the experience into an essay. I got to get up, walk across the room, fill the glass at the refreshment table and then walk back. Yes, it was that tedious at times. 


During one break between visitors, I visited the author at the next table.  She had co-written a book on parenting. We discussed parenting and, in my case, grandparenting.  It was quite interesting, and she gave me a copy of her book which can be a very effective tool for parents and I’ll give it to my son and daughter in law for grandson advice.  I gave her a copy of The Man With Three Arms……. and went back to my table, straightened out some handouts and knocked over my full glass of water.  There was a lot of water.  There was a lot of table for it to cover and it was doing its best.  Embarrassing? Yes, but apparently no one had noticed so I pretended it never happened.  However, it did happen and like the rising waters of a river flooding over its banks after a heavy rain, the liquid slowly oozed across the table from left (my “review handouts”), past my notes, below my book samples, thank goodness and inexorably towards my computer at the other end.  I was doing well at pretending nothing happened, I think, and nonchalantly, but quickly crossed the room and grabbed 2 handfuls of napkins from the refreshment table – cookies, bags of popcorn, and apple juice - and brought them back for H2O containment.  I was surprised had how much water was lapping against one of my folders and how many napkins it took to restore order. It required a second nonchalant trip across the room. The laptop and books were saved but I evidently missed a couple of spots and so when our friend Jan arrived shortly afterwards, she showed me a copy of an article I had written for this month’s Village View, “Decoration Day = Memorial Day.” I announced I would sign it and placed it on the table………….in one of the remaining puddles.  She quickly, but not quickly enough, grabbed the now sodden paper exclaiming “look, the ink is running”.  “Just like the water”, I thought.  I apologized profusely and told her I would get another copy of the article since I knew the author. By now page one of my pages of notes to write this essay was also a victim of the flood and one large mushy blur as were several website pages.


There are three rules for writing the book. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.” W. Somerset Maugham……………


My handouts included “Reviews of “Man………” by such notables as Homer, Shakespeare, Dickenson and Hemingway among others. Hemingway said “it’s better than dying…….alone in the rain”.  There were also copies of Scientists Review The Gnus   which included such notables as Galileo, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie and several others including Hemingway, even though he wasn’t a scientist, just because I like the rain quote. Everyone who came to the table got a copy.  I gave one to a friend who purchased my book a few months ago.  She perused the “Reviews” sheets but clearly not carefully and said, “where’s my name?” among the reviewers.  It wasn’t on the list of reviewers. Another friend asked her to read more vigilantly, and she was no longer concerned when she read the complete list again.  She kept her copy.

Our friends, Jerry and Marie, Bill and Kelley, and Jan and Rich came and went. I thanked them all for coming down the mountain into town. All had been to lunch first, so I wasn’t the top priority of their afternoon.  Jerry said he and Marie had been at First Place diner for lunch and he had a Cuban sandwich. I wondered if the Cuban objected. After this they were going to the local garden center “to get dirt” according to Jerry.  Thinking of priorities, I thanked him for placing me below the Cuban sandwich and above the dirt in their afternoon schedule.


It ain’t whatcha write, it’s the way atcha write it.”—Jack Kerouac,


Karen, thrilled with her cork drop success, purchased a book for her friend which I, of course, inscribed which was when I learned that my Sharpie was medium point, not fine point so the inscription looked a bit thick and blurry.  I had brought the Sharpie because I had read somewhere that authors use Sharpies to sign their books.  This may or may not be true but don’t use a medium point if you do. I signed a the newest edition of Man…….for Kelley who had been the first to purchase the first edition of The Man ………. My inscription read, “This One is Better. “.  I sold and signed a book to visitors Dave and Candi.  I spelled Candy with a y and she was shaking her head as I looked up and said, “you got it wrong, it should be an i”.  I apologized. She said it was “O.K”.  I said, “no it isn’t” and crossed out the y at the end of her name, wrote “I” and then penned “it should have been an i” and signed my name. 

Several visitors asked where Margaret was.  As I left home, she had informed me that she could spend the afternoon cooking – she prepares delicious meals that we can eat over a period of weeks - or come down to visit me. This was her subtle way of telling me she wasn’t coming. 

The choice was easy.

By 3:30 it was just five of us authors, the “dark, violent” guy had left around 2:30, and so we were enjoying exchanging anecdotes and ISBN number stories. The local Fire Department was having a fund-raising Chicken BBQ that afternoon and we began to wonder if perhaps our low turnout could be attributed to people preferring BBQ chicken to books.  Then we wondered if there would be anymore chicken left when we were done at 4:00.  I tried to reassure everyone that they had an ample supply of gerbils if they ran out of chicken.  I got some strange looks and they were not reassured.  Just when we thought “that’s it” for the session, the head, Chair? President? Grand Poobah? Of the Library board showed up and so we all had to repeat our spiels ……..“based on a real life duel”, “there are several kinds of hummingbirds”, “dark and violent”, and “see the child in front of you” one more time even though she was not going to purchase anything.  I was 2nd to last as she worked her way around the room counterclockwise, and she probably wanted to get to the Chicken BBQ before they broke out the gerbils. She stood there nodding at my “daily events over the last 2,000 years or so”. She was interested in the corks, however.  Everyone was interested in the corks. While she was busy with a halfhearted try at the cork, I noticed a few soggy napkins on the table which disintegrated when I tried to pick them up and landed on Scientists Review the Gnus. No one noticed. As it was now time to pack up and leave, I used them to wipe off the table when my books were back in the carrying box.  


All my handouts were handed out, other than the victims of the water glass deluge.  I still had almost all the corks although one woman took three.  Sitting around for three hours or so can be wearing and so at 4:00, tired but relieved that it was over, all of us authors said how nice it was to meet each other and then said our goodbyes. I drove home and completely forgot to go to the Chicken BBQ. I understand they did well.


Reading your stories is like talking to you……………..reader to John Cafarella.



Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The Early Bird Catches the Earworm



Hums aren’t things which you get; they get you.

—Winnie the Pooh


The early bird catches the worm was first recorded in A Collection of English Proverbs by John Ray in 1670 and again in 1678.



Why do some songs get wedged in our heads?  They are called earworms. Earworms are a universal phenomenon that appears to affect men and women equally. According to researchers, about 98% of all people have gotten songs stuck in their heads at one time or another.  Margaret says, “they’re very annoying when you don’t know the words”.

We’ve decided that this phenomenon of the earworm warrants further investigation.  In fact, our further investigation revealed that there have been several further investigations as you will soon see. 

The English word, earworm, is actually centuries old and was another name for the earwig, which got its name from the belief (fortunately, very wrong) that worms crawled into people's ears. Hence, earworm. This belief was widespread. It shows up in English over 1,000 years ago, and we know that the belief was all over the European continent by looking at other languages' names for this creature. Danish, Swedish, medieval Dutch, medieval Latin, medieval French—all of the names for the earwig in these languages refer to the ear. German, too: the earwig is called an Ohrwurm. and the image of a slinky, slimy creature oozing into your ear is the one that caught on. The term “earworm” with its contemporary connotation was coined in 1979 by the German psychiatrist Cornelius Eckert as he hummed Uptown Funk.  It would be a psychiatrist, wouldn’t it? Scientists call it other names, like “stuck tune syndrome” and “musical imagery repetition.” If your earworm involves Justin Bieber, it may result in suicidal thoughts and at the very least a symptom of mental illness. 


As we investigated earworms, we were surprised at how much time and money has been spent studying earworms.  Ian Cross, professor of music and science at the University of Cambridge (while humming Queen’s, We Will Rock You) notes, “There’s not only the rhythmic structure, but there’s also melodic structure—the tune, the ups and downs, and the pitch that the words accompany. Put all these together, and that gives you a very powerful set of cues to remember.” Personally, I hate it when I know the melody and some lyrics to a song that’s bouncing around in my brain but cannot recall the title - like that Fleetwood Mac song a few days ago. Meanwhile, Professor Paul Barsom from the Pennsylvania State University (while humming Who Let the Dogs Out?), suggests that we tend to remember certain musical combinations more than others. The reason for this lies in several factors. According to Dr. Barsom, music that feels familiar catches our attention more. For instance, someone who grew up listening to heavy metal is unlikely to get earworms from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Being an exception to all rules identified by researchers, I take cannot explain why I can go from A Nightingale Sang in Berkely Square to Little Eva’s Keep Your Hands Off My Baby


Earworms are sections of songs that we remember in our minds. One study (they were stuck on Bohemian Rhapsody) calls it Melodic Feature Extraction. Once they start, these music memories can repeat uncontrollably—for hours, days, even weeks at a time. Research indicates that nine out of ten people have experienced earworms that have lasted for an hour or longer. A few unfortunate souls even report having a song stuck in their heads for a year. One can only hope it didn’t involve Mariah Carey or Michael Bolton. There is even a musician known as DJ Earworm.  "Usually, an earworm is a fragment of music, typically three or four bars, which go round and round and round,” Dr. Oliver Sacks said in an interview. Dr. Sacks is a neurologist and author who studies music and the brain and hums Journey’s Don’t Stop Believing while working. “This is a special form of involuntary musical imagery which is out of control and can become quite unpleasant and intrusive.” Dr. Sacks denies that one of his favorite earworms is Achy Breaky Heart.

While songwriters have learned many tricks for creating earworms, squashing them is another story. Earworm sufferers try many ways to erase an annoying melody. Some try to replace it by thinking of another song. Others sing the earworm song all the way through to its end. Others tackle a task that takes extra concentration. One study found that the harder people fight to quiet an earworm, the longer it tends to torment them.  

Tell me if you can, 

Why I keep thinking about you, baby?..........Tata Vega


TV and radio ads are a common source of earworms. Advertisers do their best to compose jingles or short songs they hope will turn into earworms. If they succeed, that means they have done their job to get customers to remember their restaurant, breakfast cereal, or other product.  Years ago, while dropping off Margaret for work in the morning, I would occasionally try to brighten her day by singing the A&P jingle (a proud new feeling) to her as she got out of the car. I’m not sure if it worked.  She would never tell me. It sure worked on me though. An 8:30 a.m. meeting had me speaking while that jingle was jingling away in my brain.  My earworms are rarely from TV or Radio advertisements, although a few years ago when Under Control by Tim Meyers, from, I believe, a Cadillac commercial got stuck there, it remained until I downloaded the song.


In our essay, PEASE in Our Time (from The Man With Three Arms and Other Stories), we explore the five memory lanes of the brain, Procedural Memory, Episodic Memory, Automatic Memory, Semantic Memory, and Emotional Memory….PEASE…… Many ear worms connect to your episodic memory with which you remember where you were were or what were you doing when you heard a certain song. 


The auditory cortex is where earworms create most of your mental karaoke routine. This is a part of the brain that does a lot of the processing of sounds, including music. It is also where musical memories are stored. Dr. Sacks (while humming Taylor Swift’s Shake it Off), in his book, Musicophilia suggests that earworms are largely a product of the electronic age. More than a century ago, most people had to go to parties, concert halls, or places of worship to hear music. There were no radios, stereos, personal phones or iPhone players that people could turn on and play their personal playlist. But today, people are surrounded by music wherever they go—in cars, stores, and through their headphones. Earworms have constant access to people’s minds and memories. Speaking of annoying, we imagine that many people have Hip Hop music as earworms? Makes us think of the old Little Anthony and the Imperials song…..Goin' out of my head over you

Out of my head over you out of my head day and night

Night and day and night, wrong or right

Night and day and night

Wrong or right, day or night

Everyday, every, every day………


Researchers at Dartmouth, while humming YMCA, conducted a brain scan experiment to test where the brain deals with “imagined music.” They played part of a familiar song, then interrupted it. The people being tested imagined the parts that were missing. "We found that the auditory cortex that is active when you’re actually listening to a song was reactivated when you just imagine hearing the song,” according to David Kraemer, the lead researcher while humming We Are the Champions. In other words, the auditory cortex acts as your imagination’s MP3 player. In order to get stuck in your head, earworms rely on brain networks that are involved in perception, emotion, memory, and spontaneous thought. They are typically triggered by actually hearing a song, though they may also creep up on you when you are feeling good, or when you are in a dreamy (inattentive) or nostalgic state like a summer evening at our dock when the Irish song, Wild Rover: And it's no, nay, never (clap 4 times)

No, nay never no more

Will I play the wild rover

No never no more), bounces around in there.  And they may also show up when you are stressed about having too much to think about. It’s as if your stressed-out brain latches onto a repetitive idea and sticks with it. Also, if you have a musical background, you may be more susceptible to earworms too.


Clearly, the subject of earworms fascinates brain scientists and a certain author we know who gets them jammed into the auditory context all too frequently.  Of the 365 days (366) days in a year, I will wake up with an earworm on perhaps 320 of them.  I know this because each morning on waking, part of my early routine includes listing that morning’s earworm bouncing around in my brain. I have a dozen pages of ear worms, 50 to a page. Yes, I know that’s another problem.  I’m sure there are support groups and counseling for this. This morning it was Connie Francis’ Lipstick On Your Collar* (1959).  Where did it come from? I have no idea. I may not have even thought of it or Connie in 40 years or so. I don’t know how it got there but there it was.  So much for the research. 


Scientists have found that people’s memory for music is incredibly powerful. And putting information to music can help us remember facts and details more easily. For example, the ABC Song sung to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star probably helped you learn your alphabet, n’est pas? People can remember the melody, beat, and words to a song years after they last heard it.  Researchers believe that earworms tend to be songs with catchy melodies that repeat often. As the melody repeats and repeats, it gets embedded into your mind. Long after the tune stops, your brain continues to play it on repeat. This fails to explain why Patience and Prudence’ Gonna Get Along Without You Now (1957) appeared a month ago, where from? Really, no one knows Patience and Prudence.  Patience and Prudence don’t even know Patience and Prudence. Somehow it was replaced the next day by Kenny Chesney’s How Forever Feels (1998). I just wonder what triggered them?  I wake up and there they are.  I did not dream of either Patience or Prudence or Kenny although I’d estimate that at least half of my earworms are 50s and 60s songs. It is clearly an age thing. One wonders which earworms 20 or 30 year olds experience. 


Many people consider earworms to be unwelcome because they can be both annoying and distracting. If you’re trying to focus on a task, an earworm can make it hard to concentrate and accomplish what needs to be done. Certain personality features also may predispose you to being haunted by a catchy tune. If you are obsessive-compulsive, neurotic, anxious, self-conscious, and vulnerable, then there they are.  


Don’t try to get rid of an earworm.  There’s no sure-fire way of killing an earworm. Some people try to listen to a different song to dislodge the tune they don’t want to hear. Others take the opposite approach: they listen to the offending tune from beginning to end in an attempt to get it to go away once it has finished. Others might try a conversation or beginning some sort of new activity to divert their attention elsewhere.  Recently, I wittily responded to my friend Al’s Facebook posting asking folks to name their favorite 70’s band, I jokingly responded Ohio Express.  My punishment was having Yummy Yummy Yummy I”ve Got Love in My Tummy bounce around in my brain for days. Side note: during the composing of this essay, Don’t You Ever (2019), by an obscure singer named Spirit Ghost was earworming away. I first heard it being played on a soundtrack in a pet store in Fairfax, (Grateful Dead country), California. Thanks to Shazam, I looked it up as my sister, Mary, was purchasing pet items. Now it’s on my iTunes playlist and has wormed its way into my brain along with many others.


The team of researchers (while humming Pharrell Williams Happy)  ………we repeat there are apparently numerous teams of researchers of earworms everywhere and so far no team member, that we know of has gone Postal………not even over Sweet Caroline?  … St. Andrew’s University School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies overcame Meghan Trainor’s All About The Bass and developed a mathematical formula for explaining what makes an earworm. Evidently, an earworm needs five key components: surprise, predictability, rhythmic repetition, melodic potency and receptiveness (how the listener feels about the song). The formula is expressed as Receptiveness + (predictability-surprise) + (melodic potency) + (rhythmic repetition x1.5) = earworm. The most addictive earworm named was Queen’s, We Will Rock You, with the band having three songs in the Top 20 alongside Bohemian Rhapsody and We Are the ChampionsJingle Bells was the oldest song in the list. There are several earworm song list sites.  This one has 100 of them -  although frankly, if I had Karma Chameleon stuck in my brain  I might have to use a power drill in my ear. 


An article in Neuroscience credited to University of California Davis, written while the author was humming Living on a Prayer, postulates that research into earworms could eventually lead to the development of nonpharmaceutical, music-based interventions to help people suffering from dementia and other neurological disorders to better remember events, people and daily tasks.


In summary, Involuntary Musical Imagery (upmarket jargon for earworms) is the spontaneous recall and repeating of a tune in one’s mind.  They are ephemeral. They can be attributed to a wide range of triggers, including memory associations and recent musical exposure. Often, it is your favorite song of the moment. In most cases, an earworm will eventually go away on its own. That is, until another one comes along to take its place.


*As for Connie Francis, who inspired this essay dozens of earworms ago,

We have her on a YouTube video from American Bandstand (1959) for possible earworm inclusion. Also note the intense gum-chewing audience and elaborate choreography.


As for the  Earworms mentioned in this article?…..Go ahead. We dare you:


We Will Rock You

 Bohemian Rhapsody -

Who Let the Dogs Out

Living on a Prayer.

A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square.

Keep Your Hands Off My Baby.

Gonna Get Along Without You Now

How Forever Feels

Yummy Yummy Yummy I”ve Got Love in My Tummy

Don’t You Ever



Don’t Stop Believing

Jingle Bells

Four Seasons

Achy Breaky Heart

Just Keep Thinking About You Baby

Wild Rover.

All About the Bass

Under Control

ABC Song

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Uptown Funk



PS – We would not inflict Karma Chameleon on anyone….ever. Same for Justin Bieber






American Psychological Association 2017, Vol. 11, No. 2, 122–135



Thursday, February 16, 2023

Science Praise for the book series, Gnus Almanac.


Scientists Review The Gnus Almanac

Note that our reviewers favor the Gnus volume for the month in which they were born

Albert Einstein: ' Answers the question…..Did I really read The March Gnus or did the book read me?’

Alexander Graham Bell: ' I read The March Gnus while sitting next to the phone waiting for it to ring. Finally, I said "Watson, come here. Read this".'

Andre Ampere: ' The January Gnus helps me to keep up with current events.'

Archimedes: ‘I had an inclination to read the Gnus in 247 B.C’

Aristotle:  ‘It is the nature of man to read these books in 320 B.C. It is a real papyrus turner’

Christian Doppler:  ‘I read The November Gnus for its effect on passersby.’

Dr Jekyll : I read The November Gnus even though I  hadn't been feeling myself lately, or so I told Robert Louis Stevenson

Galileo:  ‘Ptolomy shmatolomy......these books, especially February, convinced me that the Earth revolves around the sun while I'm reading the Gnus. That's why I say that "wine is sunlight held together by water "'.

Georg Ohm: 'There was more resistance to my reading The March Gnus aloud.'

Gustav Hertz: ‘I’ve been reading The July Gnus with greater frequency.'

Ivan Pavlov:  ‘I was drooling at the thought of reading The September Gnus ’.

Rosalind Franklin: 'The secret to enjoying the July Gnus involves a double helix.  It's in your DNA after all.'

James Watt: ' I thought reading The January Gnus would be a good way to let off steam.'

Jean Foucault:  ‘The rotation of the earth made me appear to read The September Gnus.’

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: "This is the best of all possible worlds, especially when reading the July Gnus."

Marie Curie: ‘ The November Gnus  had me radiating enthusiasm’

Isaac Newton: ‘I was enjoying The January Gnus as I stood on the shoulders of giants.’

Erwin Schrödinger: 'I enjoy reading the August Gnus with my cat sitting on my lap. Or maybe he isn't. 

Robert Boyle: 'The January Gnus helps me relax when  too much pressure builds up.'

Thomas Edison: ‘I found The February Gnus to be an illuminating experience.'

Lise Meitner:  'I enjoy reading the November Gnus while I'm fission.'

Alessandro Volta:  ‘I read The February Gnus because it has more potential.’

Werner Heisenberg: ‘I was uncertain if it could read The December Gnus , but wanted to try on general principles.’

Ernest Hemingway: “It’s better than dying alone…in the rain”

Hit Parade