Thursday, February 16, 2023

Science Praise for the book series, Gnus Almanac.


Scientists Review The Gnus Almanac

Note that our reviewers favor the Gnus volume for the month in which they were born

Albert Einstein: ' Answers the question…..Did I really read The March Gnus or did the book read me?’

Alexander Graham Bell: ' I read The March Gnus while sitting next to the phone waiting for it to ring. Finally, I said "Watson, come here. Read this".'

Andre Ampere: ' The January Gnus helps me to keep up with current events.'

Archimedes: ‘I had an inclination to read the Gnus in 247 B.C’

Aristotle:  ‘It is the nature of man to read these books in 320 B.C. It is a real papyrus turner’

Christian Doppler:  ‘I read The November Gnus for its effect on passersby.’

Dr Jekyll : I read The November Gnus even though I  hadn't been feeling myself lately, or so I told Robert Louis Stevenson

Galileo:  ‘Ptolomy shmatolomy......these books, especially February, convinced me that the Earth revolves around the sun while I'm reading the Gnus. That's why I say that "wine is sunlight held together by water "'.

Georg Ohm: 'There was more resistance to my reading The March Gnus aloud.'

Gustav Hertz: ‘I’ve been reading The July Gnus with greater frequency.'

Ivan Pavlov:  ‘I was drooling at the thought of reading The September Gnus ’.

Rosalind Franklin: 'The secret to enjoying the July Gnus involves a double helix.  It's in your DNA after all.'

James Watt: ' I thought reading The January Gnus would be a good way to let off steam.'

Jean Foucault:  ‘The rotation of the earth made me appear to read The September Gnus.’

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: "This is the best of all possible worlds, especially when reading the July Gnus."

Marie Curie: ‘ The November Gnus  had me radiating enthusiasm’

Isaac Newton: ‘I was enjoying The January Gnus as I stood on the shoulders of giants.’

Erwin Schrödinger: 'I enjoy reading the August Gnus with my cat sitting on my lap. Or maybe he isn't. 

Robert Boyle: 'The January Gnus helps me relax when  too much pressure builds up.'

Thomas Edison: ‘I found The February Gnus to be an illuminating experience.'

Lise Meitner:  'I enjoy reading the November Gnus while I'm fission.'

Alessandro Volta:  ‘I read The February Gnus because it has more potential.’

Werner Heisenberg: ‘I was uncertain if it could read The December Gnus , but wanted to try on general principles.’

Ernest Hemingway: “It’s better than dying alone…in the rain”

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